The Chromebook Pixel: Is Google working on their own ‘Retina’ laptop?


Looks like Android 5.0 isn’t the only thing Google has planned for its Google I/O conference, at least if this video is talking about a real product in development. If it is indeed real, Google will be launching a laptop that would match Apple’s Retina MacBook Pro’s in pixel-density, while also possibly adding a touchscreen.

The video was taken from But now that site displays an apology from CEO Victor Koch, claiming that the site was attacked by hackers. Koch also made a public apology on his Google+ profile, tagging Google co-founder Sergey Brin. The Verge notes that the fact that he made such a public apology is strange, and that it seems like it was there to tip off the authenticity of the product.

Developer François Beaufort, on the other hand, insists that this laptop is indeed real and that it is currently in testing at Google’s headquarters. He also notes that the laptop is known to him by the name “Link.” No other details of the laptop have surfaced, including the specs in the device. Check out the video below for a look for may or may not be, a Google-designed touchscreen Retina Chromebook:

If Google does indeed announce the Chromebook Pixel, and somehow hits a low price point, this could be a serious game-changer.

[via Android AuthorityFrançois BeaufortThe Verge]

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