Tag Archives: Humor

Hypocritical Microsoft [Comic]

For all the great things Microsoft has done for the world (and mind you, they have done some great things — nobody can rightly deny that, regardless of how much you hate Microsoft), they get a lot of crap from a lot of peopl...

Social commentary on marriage [Comic]

How many dotTechies are married? My guess is a good majority of us are. I am and, as I have made so ever abundantly clear, I have the best, most beautiful wife in the world. (Sorry guys, the truth hurts.) And I’m not just sa...

“This is what I do every night” [Comic]

We have already seen a scientifically-backed hypothesis that technology has made us more stupid. Maybe one of the reasons why we are more stupid is because technology gets between us and our daily dose of sleep. I mean, how many p...

“How to start a blog” [Comic]

How many dotTechies have, in the past, attempted to start a blog (emphasis on “attempted”)? How many dotTechies plan on starting a blog something in the near or distant future? If you are of the former group, then you ...