About Kent
Kent is a content creator and digital marketing enthusiast. She loves to share tips and tricks related to consumer tech.
If you are in the middle of doing an important task, you might want to consider avoiding all forms of distractions. This includes your tablet or smartphone. Come to think of it, when you have your phone near you, you can’t help bu...
If you go to Reddit, you can view and read posts by clicking their respective links. To lessen the hassle, you can choose to open each post in a new tab. Now, what if you just want to skim through each post? Well, the fastest way ...
If you are wondering how to convert files to other formats such as PDF and TXT, then you can just look for a free document converter. There are lots of free document and file converter online so you just need to take your pick. No...
When editing a document in Google Docs, you can copy and paste text from any source. The thing is it doesn’t show any option that would allow you to paste unformatted text. If you go to its “Edit” tab, you can only see the standar...
CSV stands for comma-separated values and it is a format that is usually associated to files in tabular form. You can create CSV files using Excel. You can also convert ordinary text files into CSV using the right file converter. ...
If you go to Pinterest, you can see a lot of interesting images in various pin boards. If you want to enlarge an image, you need to click on it first before the enlarged version of the image will be shown. While that’s totally oka...
In Twitter, users don’t have a direct way to manage the tweets that they would like to appear on their feed or timeline. Yes, a user may follow others and be constantly updated every time they tweet but what if you want to limit t...
Some Android devices have built-in office applications that you can use to open and view different types of files including documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Now, what if you have a TXT file and you can’t view it using yo...
In Chrome, you can easily open or launch the bookmarks page as well as the download and history pages with a hotkey. If you want to go to your browser’s bookmarks manager, just enter “Ctrl + Shift + B”. If you want to view your li...
Twitter monetizes its platform by including sponsored tweets, sponsored trending topics and sponsored profiles. If you’re a Twitter user who wishes to opt out from these types of sponsored content, then you can do the following st...
If you go to sites likes Reddit and Hacker News, you won’t be able to differentiate the links that you’ve already clicked and visited from the ones that you still haven’t viewed. This would often lead you to clicking the sam...
In Chrome for mobile, there’s an experimental feature that allows users to switch to “Reader Mode” while viewing online posts and web pages. This helps the user focus on what he or she is reading and not on the ads, annoying pop-u...
It’s good to know that YouTube continues to introduce more features that its loyal users would enjoy. However, there are still a lot of features that’s lacking in the said video community site. One of these is the ability to set a...
When browsing sites using your Chrome mobile browser, you have the option to view the site in its mobile-friendly mode or default desktop mode. However, there’s no guarantee that both modes won’t contain elements that will obstruc...
If you press “Ctrl + H” in Chrome, you will be immediately taken to your browser’s History page. The History page is where you can view and manage your browsing activity. It is where you can view all of the sites and pages that yo...