Author Archives: Ashraf

About Ashraf

Happily married to the most beautiful woman ever, Ashraf is the founder of dotTech. Ashraf spends insane hours on dotTech (usually writing articles but sometimes doing absolutely nothing except staring). Yes he is weird, but he is also very friendly.

Microsoft is copying Apple again [Comic]

In the recent past Microsoft has made changes to be more like Apple — releasing its own hardware, increasing restrictions on its traditionally more open operating system… and firing similarly uncooperative employees? Y...

Why working in the tech industry sucks [Comic]

How many dotTechies work or have worked in the tech industry, either as engineers, support, executives, etc.? Ever have people approach you to solve their computer woes simply because they know you work/ed for a tech company and t...

This is how men clean their rooms [Comic]

If you are a guy, have male children, or are married to a man, then you know men are just naturally slobs. So when it comes to cleaning our rooms, we apply our slob principles. For example, when I have washed clothes that I should...