About Enrique Manalang
Enrique brings you your tech news on dotTech. When he isn't writing, you'll find him playing video games or traveling. You can find him on Twitter at @enriquemanalang.
Over at Büdingen, Germany, a few dominoes were toppled. No biggie. Just 272,297. The ‘Enjoy Your Life – The Domino Record 2013’ event placed exactly 277,275 dominoes, 272,297 of which were toppled in a mesmerizin...
Ask anyone you know that follows tech how to activate Google Glass and they’d most likely tell you, correctly, it’s “Ok Glass.” It’s easy, it’s simple and it actually sounds kind of cool and fut...
Last month, Google users gained the ability to virtually explore the Burj Khalifa. This month, the company has announced that you can now explore Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Once again, the team at Google used a specia...
Copyright holders might want to take a good luck at the technology that automatically flags infringing content. HBO has reportedly sent a takedown request to Google asking to remove a link that leads to… VLC, the open-source...
Before Sony came to the final design that we see today, the PlayStation 4 had some other interesting features that didn’t quite make the cut. One of them was the ability to measure the galvanic response of your skin as you h...
Microsoft representatives have confirmed that the Xbox One will allow users to play games while they’re still downloading to the system. This means that the time it takes for users to actually play their digital games will b...
If you’re familiar with Reddit, you might have have heard of the community’s “Random Acts of Pizza.” Basically, it’s a thread wherein people that are either down on their luck or just need a little ch...
Researchers have made a breakthrough in storage technology that could potentially make way for a disc that puts the highest capacity dual-layer Blu-ray disk we know of today to shame. What exactly are we talking about, you as? Try...
People have made some stupid things with 3D printers, while other people have made some pretty awesome things. The common link between those things are the 3D printers themselves, which don’t come very cheap. Some are cheape...
Players of the popular game League of Legends can now be granted P-1 visas for the US, a type of visa intended for “individual athletes.” This means that the video game is now officially recognized by the US State Depa...
The PlayStation 4 isn’t out until this holiday, but some lucky outlets have already gotten their hands on Sony’s sexy new hardware to show off. Since most of us will have to wait a few more months, this video from T3 s...
If you thought Rovio was done with the Angry Birds franchise, you were very, very wrong. It appears that they’re not only returning to the popular bird-slinging series for their next game, but they’re also going to a g...
Environmental organization Friends of the Earth has published a report calling out Apple on allegedly using dangerous and illegally mined tin on its products. The tin reportedly comes from Bangka Island in Indonesia and the group ...
According to The Korea Economic Daily, Apple has just signed a contract with Samsung which will have the two companies working together to manufacture the next-generation of A-series chips for use in iOS devices: Samsung Electroni...
A 23-year-old Chinese woman who was weeks away from her wedding, died last week. The alleged cause? She was electrocuted by her iPhone 5. Chinese news agency Xinhua reports that police have confirmed the accident and the womanR...