About Enrique Manalang
Enrique brings you your tech news on dotTech. When he isn't writing, you'll find him playing video games or traveling. You can find him on Twitter at @enriquemanalang.
It’s been more than a decade since Microsoft introduced the original Xbox, and since then we’ve grown increasingly used to its name. Just ask anybody who plays video games if they think the Xbox name is weird and they&...
It’s been rumored for a very long time now that Apple might be planning on releasing a “budget” version of the iPhone, one that would be aimed to capture the rest of the market that the current iPhone can’t...
Google has added one of the most memorable locations of the Harry Potter films to Google Street View: Diagon Alley, the place where wizards and witches in the Harry Potter universe can find everything they need. Spell books, potio...
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a Roomba and vacuum the floors of people’s rooms? No? Well, with Robot Vacuum Simulator 2013, you can find out anyway! The game is surprisingly not the first of its kind in ...
If you haven’t checked out the App Store on your iOS device in awhile, now might be a good time to do so. Actually, it might even be the best time to, and you should probably head on over there right this second! In anticipa...
Today’s the 66th anniversary of the Roswell UFO incident and Google wants to remind everyone of that in their usual Google fashion. If you head over to Google’s homepage, you’ll be greeted with a cutely-designed ...
Pretty much everyone I know these days uses Google Chrome. I know a couple of people that use Mozilla’s Firefox, and even fewer people that are on Safari or Internet Explorer. I currently don’t know anyone that uses Op...
We’re just a few days passed the stinging loss of Google Reader, which the company shut down despite an internet-wide outcry, so what better time to look back at everything that’s gotten the axe over the years. Larry K...
The New Century Global Center in China just opened its doors after three years of construction. Its located in Chengdu, which is the capital of Sichuan in southwestern China. Officials claim that it is the “largest freestand...
Just one day after ads designed to promote the Moto X and its American roots were leaked, more details are beginning to surface on Google’s upcoming smartphone. As you can see in the image above, one of the customization opt...
According to numerous reports, Samsung has just purchased set-top box company Boxee for around $30 million. Boxee has been searching for a buyer since last month, but Samsung was hardly expected to be the one to make the acquisiti...
I’ve seen a lot of awesome things done with LEGO over the years — many epic dioramas and mind-boggling structures have been constructed with the colorful little bricks. But a prosthetic leg made out of LEGO? I’m ...
That sleek, futuristic-looking vessel you see above reportedly took around five years to design and build, along with a hefty $15 million price tag. So what do you do when you have this extremely expensive toy? Why, you control it...
Google has been issuing its transparency report for quite some time now, making things like the number removal requests from copyright owners and user data requests from governments freely available for anyone to peruse online. Bu...
Mozilla, who is best known for its free and open source browser, Firefox, just showed off its new headquarters in Japan. In collaboration with design company NOSIGNER, they’ve created an “open source office.” If ...