About Jeff Belanger
I'm a Canadian, I like to write, I like to play video games, watch movies and read books and all that. Also interested in current affairs and comic books as well.
According to a new report, Snapchat makes the iPhone vulnerable to denial of service attacks, essentially resulting in a crashed device. The report, which was written by Jamie Sanchez, a cyber-security researcher, details how vuln...
The New York Police Department have been testing out Google Glass to see if it can help out police officers. The NYPD have acquired several of the glasses recently, an inside source has told VentureBeat, and are seeing how they ca...
Results from a new study are showing that caffeine may actually improve a person’s long term memory. In the stud participants were shown a number of pictures and then one group was given a tablet with 200-milligrams of caffe...
A new study suggest that there is a correlation between young teens who play violent video games and a lack of empathy towards others. The study, which was performed at Brock University in Ontario, looked at roughly 100 students w...
Russia has stated that it doesn’t trust the Bitcoin and believes that it should be avoided. The Central Bank of Russia has released a statement where they say that the ruble is the official currency, Bitcoin is essentially a...
Apparently the NSA doesn’t collect metadata on the majority of mobile phones. This information comes to us from a report by the Wall Street Journal. According to the article, the NSA “collects data for about 20 percent...
The secret FISC court has approved the changes that President Obama wants to make to the NSA’s data collection abilities. While it will take time to implement these changes, the two main changes include the NSA now having to...
A patent troll in Germany is demanding that Apple give them over $2 billion dollars. IPCom wants €1.57B ($2.12B) from Apple because IPCome owns the patent to an emergency standard that all phones, including the iPhone, are require...
It seems that YouTube is cracking down on those who buy fake views for their videos. Paying for views has definitely become a problem for the website and YouTube has declared that they will be keeping a closer eye on things, reduc...
More details have come out about the upcoming game, Alien Isolation. Alistair Hope, who is in charge of creative on Alien: Isolation, shed light on some of the details of the upcoming game set in the alien universe. “Our Ali...
A new Google Glass app has been launched that is designed to pull up dossiers on people. Refresh, which is the name of the app and start-up company, brought their app to Google Glass today. It also has a version on the iPhone, whi...
Scientists have created a bionic hand that actually let’s a person feel with it. The full details have been published in the Science Translational Medicine Journal on the experiment lasted a month and had very positive resul...
According to a new study there is quite a lot of sexting being done these days. The study “Love, Relationships, and Technology” was designed to figure out just how many people send texts or pics of a sexual nature. It ...
A 14-yea-old girl received 2nd degree burns from her iPhone 5c, which caught on fire in her pants. The girl, who has not been named, is from Kennebunk, Maine, and the incident occurred while waiting for class to start. “Immediatel...
One of Europe’s oldest hacker groups has filed a criminal complaint against Germany’s government and those in charge of its spy agencies. The Chaos Computer Club (CCC), which is the biggest hacker group in Europe, alon...