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Grab 30GB of free cloud storage from Glide!

Still haven’t decided upon a cloud storage service provider? Maybe Glide is more up your ally. Glide OS is a web-based, HTML5 operating system developed by TransMedia. Essentially it is a web app that runs in all major brows...

Looking to hire a Windows 8 writer

Hey, I’m looking for a Windows enthusiast to cover Windows 8 for dotTech. The responsibilities for this position will be to cover Windows 8 software and apps, and tips and tricks. This is a paid position. If you are interest...

Android is scared of iPad Mini [Comic]

After long last Apple’s new iPad Mini is here. I’m sure many questions are going through people’s minds in regards to how the iPad Mini will do against the competition (namely Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD), how (if...